Tag Archives: Whitehall Club

Petite Marmite Henry IV (Clear Soup with Meat and Vegetables)

So simple. Just a meat and veggie broth soup but it was one of the best recipes I’ve made so far in the book. Definitely one I will go back to again and again. I think of the things I most liked about it was the use of turnip instead of potatoes and the thin strips which all the veggies were cut into.

Whitehall Chocolate Roll


I made this as my Buche de Noel for my classic French Christmas dinner. It’s a chocolate cake with a chocolate/coffee liqueur mousse filling and chocolate flavored whipped cream on top. How could it not be a hit, right? The only thing I wish is that I took it out of the fridge earlier so that it was served closer to room temperature to soften the cake up a bit. Still, a great cake.